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Labneh with Cherry Fig Mostarda (Vegan or Dairy)

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Labneh with Cherry Fig Mostarda

Our friends over at Turtle Boat here in Denver make AMAZING food, and super critical about their supply chain and make big efforts to be socially and environmentally aware, and we are huge fans. We were beyond flattered when they posted a house made labneh with our Cherry Fig Mostarda on top. Labneh can be made with dairy, or non dairy.  The combination of the creamy labneh and our Mostarda makes for a savory-sweet pairing perfect for a brunch appetizer. Print this out as it's a multi day process. Essentially labneh is drained yogurt, embellish as you please. 


  • 24 oz of almond/non dairy plain yogurt (or any plain dairy yogurt if you prefer)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt
  • Cherry Fig Mostarda 

Additional Supplies:

Nut milk bag or organic-unbleached Cheesecloth
Mesh Strainer (I used a normal colander and it worked fine)
Large Bowl


Stir together yogurt, lemon juice and salt until thoroughly combined.

Place your strainer over a large bowl. The strainer should fit inside the bowl with some room on the bottom for liquids to drain out. Lay the nut milk bag or cloth over the stainer and pour in your yogurt combination. Tie off the bag/cloth so that the liquid is secured inside and place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Place in refrigerator to set for 24 hours. 

By the next day you should notice a fair amount of liquid at the bottom of your bowl, and the yogurt mixture will have hardened into a dip-like texture. Ta-da! You have your Labneh.

Keep your Labneh refrigerated in an airtight container until you’re ready to eat. Top your dip with some Cherry Fig Mostarda and slather over toast or crackers for a savory-sweet appetizer or mid-day snack. You can also add some herbs and spices to make the flavor your own.

Topping Ideas:

-Add- Cherry Fig Mostarda (this would also be quite good Tequila Jalapeño Delicious or even Desert Blueberry Gin for those who don't love the spice) 

-Sea salt
-Preserved Lemons 
-Optional- Herbs and other spices were used in this recipe

appetizer appetizers bread breakfast cheese board cheeseboard cherries cherry fig mostarda colorado culture healthy mostarda recipe recipes wellness

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