SO, you need another reason to love Colorado Whiskey Peach, but this is going to blow your minds. You might want to split this recipe with a friend because, well, it's decadent, rich and loaded with calories. This is your "Treat yo self" moment right here.
Colorado Whiskey Peach Milkshake
•1 pint of real vanilla ice cream - (we also love Nada Moo if you are going non-dairy, this brand will fool you it's so delicious.)
•1 heaping Tablespoon of Colorado Whiskey Peach Deliciousness
•1/4 cup half & half or whipping cream
•1 (or 2) shot of whiskey, we use A.D. Laws of course
•peach wedge to garnish
Put all the ingredients in a blender, blend briefly, pour into a glass, garnish with a peach wedge, pull out your reusable straw and try not to suck the whole thing down in 2 minutes.