Uncle Mark's Chili
Chili is one of the easiest, tastiest, and satisfying meals you can make. To demonstrate, we are using a super easy recipe, but you can add Deliciousness to just about any tried and true recipe already in your book.
•1 pound ground sirloin*
•1 Tbsp oil of your choice
•1 15oz can each black, kidney and pinto beans
•1 28oz can diced tomatoes
•1 12-20oz jar of your favorite salsa
•2 diced jalapeños
•4 Tbsp Whiskey Peach Deliciousness
•1 tsp cumin
•1 tsp chili powder
*make this vegetarian or vegan with some faux ground beef..there are loads of tasty options now.
Step one: Put the B side of Abbey Road on your boom box and turn it up.
Step two: Heat oil and lightly brown sirloin with cumin and chili powder. Drain the fat and add meat to a crockpot or a large pot on the stove. Add tomatoes, salsa and Whiskey Peach Deliciousness. When adding the beans, we like to use the juices of one of the cans, but drain the other two. This adds a little bit more starch to help thicken the chili. Lastly, add the jalapeños. We like it spicy, so just chop 'em up and throw them in, seeds, ribs and all. Let it cook on low heat for at least 3 hours (up to 6 or 8 is even better), stirring occasionally to break up the beans a bit. If you're short on time, you can turn up the heat (medium for stove tops, high for crockpots) and cook for at least an hour, stirring more frequently. That's it. Like we said, easy but delicious.